Farm Diary October 1 2008

A PRETTY good week weather wise has enabled us to catch up a bit on the backlog of work waiting to be done. The grass seeding programme has resumed, although it is getting late I think that it is worth taking a calculated risk that the weather will correct itself and there is still a chance of a good 'take'.

There is moisture in the ground and it is certainly warm enough, so we will keep going for a while longer. The biggest problem is that the growth that took place in the last two weeks before we sprayed is proving to be a nuisance, as there is too much of the old pasture in the way for the seed drill. We have had to top the fields, but there is more cut grass than we thought and that is now in the way.

Cows are enjoying the sunshine and the good grazing conditions, although they are all fed at night in order to keep intakes up as I doubt the grass has much value having grown so fast in the wet conditions. We have not put on any fertilizer since June, and still we have plenty of grass on the farm.

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