Driving around Eastbourne leaves my nerves frazzled!

From: Carol Stanley Westfield Road

Whenever I leave the house to drive my car somewhere, I wonder what hazards I will face.

This is a typical journey! A car tailgating me because I am doing 30mph on a busy road.

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The driver then pulls up beside me at the pedestrian crossing and before the light changes from red, goes off ahead of me at great speed.

On reaching the parade of shops in Framfield Way, a car is double parked and a bus comes round the corner towards me at such a speed that he nearly hits me.

To my left, a lady is pulling out of the car park eating a sandwich, not paying attention.

By the time I reach home my nerves are frazzled and I wonder not for the first time if it is possible for me to manage without a car and feel safer.

Please drivers, can we all try and care for each other and slow down, thinking what we are doing?

That would make motoring a pleasure again, not an ordeal to be endured.