Capstan thanks

Your lettersYour letters
Your letters
I would like to thank all those who have donated into the Capstan Fund this past year either in the main capstan situated in the middle of the precinct or in the collecting boxes in Vektra Business Services, Quality Textiles and David O Jones Sports.

The amount raised this year was £158.76, which is split between the Carnival and the Bonfire Society, to help with stationery and postage costs. Since the capstan was erected in 2002 and the fund started in memory of my godmother Frances Harrison BEM, it has raised almost £3,500. If the golden jubilee event on The Green is included, the total is just short of £5,000.

Thanks must go to all the above shops and also to Paul Crease of the Arun View, who regularly donates to the fund, and also Mark Butler of Marks of Respect who periodically cleans the capstan for me.

Tyndall Jones, Capstan Fund co-ordinator

High Street


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