LETTER: Enveloping demise of the LibDems

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So, now that our Rudgwick, Warnham and Rusper county council by-election results are know, what lessons do we draw?

Sadly it transpires that yet again we witness a tsunami of lethargy as our electorate, well barely 20 per cent of them, bothering to turn out, fail to answer the challenge of responsibility for our local governance.

This despite the Conservative controlled district council embarrassing themselves in the matter of local housing development policy decisions, admittedly not a county matter, and the unprecedented public outcry concerning this North Horsham planning issue and the role of the Conservatives here.

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Liz Kitchen, now not only the elected Conservative county councillor, but possibly facing up to the conflicting county and district council meetings on the same day or night at both Chichester and/or Horsham with swathes of daunting reading and study to digest as she marches on representing the Conservative party mantra and distancing herself from the Representation of the People’s Act 2003, the actual wishes and interests of our Horsham people.

This detachment of interest is most probably central to the issue of the electorate’s declining interest in exercising their balloted vote, sheer loss of trust with elected and whipped politicians both local and national.

Will Liz Kitchen choose to prise herself away from the mire of the Conservative HDC housing and planning debacle?

We shall see.

Now, as the storm of St Jude begins to fade from Horsham memory, this Patron of Lost Causes may have done the local Lib Dems some service as the Lib Dems have been so soundly trounced by UKIP 335 votes to 103, three to one and more to spare. It was 729 to 364 votes, two to one with one to spare at Storrington CC election recently, UKIP coming second on both occasions!

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Perhaps now L.N. Price’s diatribal Lib Dem misconceptions will dry up for a while, cease dancing across our WSCT pages with their wealth of untruths and wilful blindness to the actual economic and political facts of life (Letters, October 24, 2013), facing the UK at present.

Are we not witnessing the enveloping demise of the LibDems party? You read it here in the WSCT first!

Have not the public at large felt an increasing uneasiness at our nation’s coalition governance as so ably articulated by UKIP’s welcome breath of fresh air, straight talking and common sense approach to troublesome issues?

Many of which issues our Member of Parliament Francis Maude remains silent upon.


Stane Street, Adversane

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