LETTER: Green gap promise is being broken

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I wish to record my objection as a resident of the Holbrook area (Allcard Close) to the proposed housing and industrial development for greenfields, next to the A264.

In the 1960s when Crawley became a New Town to deal with the thousands of people left homeless from the bombing of London in the last war, the local Horsham councils got a promise from the Government that the Green Belt between the New Town of Crawley and Horsham District would be retained keeping the rural character of Horsham.

From that time there has been continuing housing development from Crawley towards the Horsham Rural District and in the parishes immediately surrounding Horsham: Broadbridge Heath, Roffey and Southwater.

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Further development of the North Horsham area would be ‘houses too much’ and would completely change the lives of residents now living in a pleasant market town by over-stretching public utility, medical, transport, educational and leisure services.

It would do little to reduce the council’s housing waiting list as a large proportion of ‘would- be’ house buyers would be from outside the area.

Please don’t give approval to any planning application for this proposed development.

There are other sites in the Horsham District which could take smaller housing estates instead of so many in one area.


Allcard Close, Horsham