LETTER: Treatment with great kindness

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Your letters
We hear and read so many negative reports nowadays about care homes and the general lack of care by the NHS for the elderly in today’s society. Recently my mother had to leave her home of almost 50 years and spend a short time in a care home prior to her death.

I would like to thank everyone for the care, treatment, respect, patience and kindness received during this time. From Caremark Care Agency without whom she would not have been able to stay in her home for so long, St Catherine’s Hospice for their Day Centre service, doctors at Bridge Medical Practice in Crawley and Park Surgery in Horsham and finally to Westlake House Care Home, Horsham whose care, particular in her last days was unsurpassable. So don’t believe everything you read in the papers, there are wonderful people out there.


Paget Close, Horsham

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