No incentive to be self-sufficient

Rye and Battle Observer lettersRye and Battle Observer letters
Rye and Battle Observer letters
From: Rod Came, Crown Cottage, Brede

I do not like to disappoint J Tollett (Observer letters July 7) regarding his enthusiasm about the Arts Council’s £2 million grant over the next four years for that white Elephant the De La Warr Pavilion, I have to say that the same amount of money has been awarded in previous years.

Rother District Council is also contracted to pay £500,000 plus inflation each year over the next several years, as it also has done previously. Because of this generosity with taxpayers’ money, when we are told that we are living in times of austerity, there is no incentive for the management of the DLWP to make it become financially self-sufficient.

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A considerable ongoing annual reduction of this public money given to the DLWP would go a long way toward concentrating minds to realise that, like other businesses which do not benefit from extravagant public largesse, it should provide what the public want, and are prepared to visit to see and enjoy.

A quick look at what is on for the rest of July from Friday 8 shows that there are 11 free events and eight which are charged for, and one of those costs only £1. Free events might keep the footfall figures up but do not increase income. The DLWP is not a great attraction for most of Rother residents, but like it or not we are having to pay for it.

When next RDC say they are going to have to close, cut down, or reduce a beneficial public service upon which tax paying local residents rely, people might like to bear in mind where more than half a million pounds of our money is wasted each year.