Positive stories which inspire me

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It’s inevitable I should start with a comment about the ‘Great British Weather’!

My daughter bought a ‘nice weather for ducks’ T-shirt this week- quite ironic considering the ducklings I saw at a school were looking rather hot despite the children carefully giving them water baths.

However, I may need my daughter’s T-shirt this week as I travel with 17 teenagers to Cape Town for a mission trip – it’s winter there and apparently it rains a lot!

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I often hear stories about ‘teenagers today’ which are quite negative. It’s a shame really, because many of the young people I know are fantastic and they really care for one another.

The group I’m travelling with have fundraised for a year and spoken to all ages about the trip and God’s call to serve.

They will be visiting the Townships and engaging with a charity which strives to create a more just society.

When we return I’m sure they’ll use their experiences to serve the community in Horsham. They inspire me... and give me positive stories to tell!


Horsham Team Ministry