BLAISE TAPP: Early Doors recalls the warmth and generosity of the pub community

This week, we are told, is the grimmest of the year - a time when we realise that every last piece of chocolate in the house has finally been eaten and that we will, in more ways than one, be paying for the festive fun until the summer.

Even if you are unmoved by the PR-driven Blue Monday narrative, lousy weather and dark, long nights mean that many of us have sought a variety of ways to avoid the seasonal gloom. I haven’t had to try too hard, following the BBC’s decision to finally rerun the brilliant sitcom, Early Doors, a 21st Century classic, that is set in an unremarkable Greater Manchester pub.

Over the coming weeks, wise old Auntie will continue to broadcast two episodes on BBC4 every Saturday night, and they will also sit on the iPlayer. Even though I was a fan of the show the first time around 20 years ago, its long overdue reintroduction to British culture has brought some welcome sunshine to the Tapp household this week.

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