Moving Chichester traffic lights back needs consultation

Unicorn House in Eastgate Square, ChichesterUnicorn House in Eastgate Square, Chichester
Unicorn House in Eastgate Square, Chichester
A Chichester pedestrian crossing cannot be moved back to its original position without consultation, a county councillor has confirmed.

The location of the traffic lights in The Hornet were changed in anticipation of Sainsbury’s moving into Unicorn House in Eastgate Square but these plans fell through in early 2017.

Then Giggling Squid said it would be opening a Thai restaurant at the former Observer office.

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Last night a member of the public asked ‘why would there need to be a public consultation to put them back where they were’ at a West Sussex County Council South Chichester County Local Committee meeting.

Jamie Fitzjohn (Con, Chichester South) said a consultation needed to be held before the puffin crossing could be moved back to its original location, as the previous move happened after a consultation process.

But he also added: “I do not know any members of the public who would object to it going back.”

He explained how the county council did not have to pay for the initial move, while putting it back ‘should be easy’ as the connection and equipment should still be in place.

Back in November the county council confirmed it was exploring moving the crossing back to its previous location as the new position was ‘causing some inconvenience’.