
Ringmer newsRingmer news
Ringmer news
ST MARY’S: On Sunday we continue to celebrate the Christmas Season with 8am Holy Communion, 10am Eucharist and at 6.30pm a service at St Mary’s with members of the Baptist Church as we jointly mark the week of prayer for Christian Unity. On Monday, the prayer group meets at 9am in the Lady Chapel. In the evening a short meeting for any stall holders involved in the Christmas Fair has been arranged at 7.30pm in the church room. On Friday January 25, the MU have arranged a bring and share lunch for members in the church room. It should be a lovely time of fun and fellowship as we start a new Triennial in the MU calendar.

BRIDGE CLUB: At its meeting on Wednesday, January 9 the result of the duplicate pairs played was: 1, Hazel North and Hugh Bailey; 2, Frank Hibbert and Alan Disney; 3, Barrie Smith and Alan Grindley. The club next meets in the St Mary’s room of the village hall next Wednesday at 7.30pm. Contact 07821 379313 or [email protected].