Thrift Fest Hastings; Arts, crafts, singing and friendliness

Thrift Fest  2018 SUS-181031-134053001Thrift Fest  2018 SUS-181031-134053001
Thrift Fest 2018 SUS-181031-134053001
Local furniture charity Hastings and Rother Furniture Service celebrated its 30th anniversary by hosting a community Thrift Fest at the Hastings Centre on September 22.

Hastings and Rother Furniture Service (HFS) invited a wide variety of community groups, local clubs and organisations, who are helping Hastings and Rother residents live fun, active, healthy and creative lives without costing the earth to take part.

The day was packed with activities, demos, workshops, talks and creative projects which HFS CEO Naomi Ridley says reflected the charity’s core ethos of recycling, upcycling, community-mindedness, sharing skills and living well for less. “Almost 1,000 people turned up on the day,” she said.

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“We were bowled over by the reaction to the event. It gave us an ideal opportunity to talk to people about our charity and showcase some of our latest community projects.