Demand the no deal Brexit we voted for

Mrs May's Withdrawal Plan is due to be voted on in Parliament on the 14th January 2019.

This plan does not deliver Brexit. It is a surrender to the demands of the EU.

The plan effectively ties the UK and Northern Ireland to the EU until such time as the EU decides to let the UK leave, and even then, the EU will dictate the terms of such departure.

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The EU wants to retain Northern Ireland within the EU institutions on specious reasons over a so-called hard border issue.

The EU has resolutely refused to reach fair and reasonable terms on a Trading Agreement.

It wants to punish the UK for having chosen to leave.

In the absence of a Free Trading Agreement the only form of Brexit that delivers on the Referendum result is a No Deal Brexit and thereafter adopting to trade with the world on World Trade Organisation terms.

A senior civil servant has indicated in the Daily Telegraph (28th December 2018) that Government departments are fully prepared for a No Deal exit.

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Contrary to the Project Fear claims of the Remain politicians and press, the transition will be very manageable.

Indeed, as soon as the Brexit date of the 29th March, 2019, arrives, I have no doubt that the business managers of the EU member states will be lining up to sign bi-lateral trading agreements with the UK.

They otherwise risk severe damage to their own company profits.

These agreements will render the EU redundant as an organising body and signal its end.

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The majority of the MPs in Parliament are Remainers and despite promising that they would deliver on the Referendum have undermined Brexit at every turn.

Their sniping and complaining and lack of acceptance of the Referendum result has undermined the Government’s negotiating stance which has been so weak and indecisive that it has encouraged the EU to refuse an acceptable trade agreement.

Your constituency voted overwhelmingly for Brexit. You are therefore duty bound to honour that vote and vote down Mrs May’s appalling plan and demand a No Deal Plan that they voted for.

Your readers should write to their MP and tell them not to vote for Mrs May’s Plan on the 14th January, 2019, and demand a No Deal Brexit that they voted for.

Ray Tiller, Southerton Road, London